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Процесс дистанционного обучения, основанный на современных информационных технологиях (Platonus, команды Microsoft)

Today, in the organization of the distance educational process of universities, one of the main tasks is the introduction of digital technologies, which have become a new information breakthrough of the XXI century. The relevance of the appeal to information technology was confirmed by the current pandemic situation, which swept the whole world in early 2020, and the "traditional" model of education was forced to switch to the "online" model.
The report of the UN Working Group of March 18, 2020 "Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security" notes that the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) affects the interests of the entire world community. Therefore, further development in the field of informatization of society should strive to find common ground and mutual understanding between all states, including measures to create an open, safe, stable and friendly ICT environment.
In recent years, many states have made significant steps in the field of digital information technologies. The Republic of Kazakhstan has developed the State Program "Information Kazakhstan - 2020", the main task of which is to implement the country's transition to a full-fledged information society. In the field of higher education, decisive steps have been taken towards the use of information technologies in the organization of the entire educational process. The transition to a new level of education process methodology in higher schools of the country is characterized by the development and implementation of information and communication systems in the educational process, in particular, the automated information system (AIS) Platonus and the digital platform Microsoft Teams.
The authors present a brief overview of the successful experience of implementation an educational process based on the newly introduced modules of the Platonus system and the Teams platform in higher education, which expanded the possibilities of remote interaction. The article analyzes the technical capabilities and main advantages of Platonus, Teams, which were chosen as an electronic information and educational environment between the universities of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) and the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (Yerevan, Armenia).