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Вопросы возрождения монастырского комплекса армянской общины Мхитаристов в Венеции на острове Сан-Лаззаро

San Lazzaro is a small island in Venetian Lagoon. It lies to the southeast of Venice and immediately west of the Lido. A leper colony during the Middle Ages, the island has been home to the Armenian Catholic Monastery of San Lazzaro since 1717. It is the headquarters of the Mekhitarist Order and one of the world's prominent centers of Armenian Culture and Armenian study. 
It appears today different needs including the need to create a new library with associated work rooms, rethink the presentation of ancient printing machines and tools of the editions through the restructuring and extension of the current space of presentation.
The article addresses the regeneration issues and methodology of the Monastery's site and buildings as a unique historical-cultural monument. The concepts of projects under the IACOBUS+ European educational program will be presented and analyzed.