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Principles of landscape management, Italian case. Basic values for legislation and planning. Conclusions for Russia

The paper presents the results of the PhD research of author “The Landscape: comparison between Italy and Russia. The general values for legislative and planning instrumentation”, supported by the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Programme of the European Union.
The paper is dedicated to the landscape planning after European Landscape Convention, in particularly to the Italian experience, is concerned with the integration of the European Landscape Convention (Florence, 2000) into the Italian legal system and with development of the regional landscape planning tools, focusing on its organizational, operational structure, its legislative content, disciplinary and managerial innovations, mechanisms and procedures for the processing of the general planning instruments (landscape plan) in order to identify criteria, principles and tools to produce the base model, which can be applicable in different countries.
The research investigates the theme of landscaping planning in Italy to answer the main question of the thesis: how can the ELC's addresses be applied to the Russian case through experience of Italian landscape planning.